2 New Canvas Ball Cap colors
We just added 2 new canvas ball cap colors – a maroon (purple) on e and a denim blue one. These have been really popular. Price is $24.75.
We just added 2 new canvas ball cap colors – a maroon (purple) on e and a denim blue one. These have been really popular. Price is $24.75.
Event Schedule and Activities Saturday February 15th -10AM to 3PM Altai Skis will offer demos of our Hok skishoes and Kom Skis. Bindings include universal bindings (any flexible soled boot) and 3 pin (75mm) bindings. We will have some boots at the pass for the 3 pins as well.There will be some tips and mini […]
When Francois and I created Altai Skis, our main goal was to make accessible and affordable skis that worked well in the winter backcountry areas that lie close to where many of us live. We call this backyard backcountry. Maybe its not as glamorous as the terrain and skiing found in the ski movies of the […]
We will be having a open house at the new Curlew digs this Saturday starting around 4 PM – we have a little ski museum and will have some beer from Republic Brewing CO and snacks as well. Come see us! Earlier in the day – starting around 10AM – we will have some demos […]
I have become so enamored of skishoeing with the Hoks and a single pole that we will sell them this year on the website. A few of us have been out scouting and cutting this summer already (see pics) and are getting quite the stockpile. Lodgepole pine is the wood of choice, very strong and […]
February 27th update ! We are sold out of skis and bindings in Canada for this season. We have a fair supply of both sizes of Hoks and the custom 3 pin bindings in the US, and have sold out in the US on Universal Bindings and the adapter plate. I can ship […]
I just sent out the most recent update on the Hoks. A few are shipping now and more are on their way here. Hok Update
Here are the latest videos from Altai Skis.
A gallery: July 1st Sherman Ski 2011-07-07 01:59 PM (more…)
I have been working on some basic videos of the Hoks in action. They are posted here but you can see all related on our youtube channel. You can click on the little youtube icon at the bottom of the page and you can subscribe or bookmark it if you like. Also one of our […]